Consent for a third party to act on your behalf
Please use this form to give your permission (consent) to another person or an organisation (third party) to do things for you with the NDIS.
There are 4 parts to this form (A, B, C, and D). Depending on your situation, you will not have to complete each part. We have provided instructions for you throughout the form.
You don’t have to use this form to give your consent. You can let us know over the phone by calling 1800 800 110 or by contacting us in any of the ways listed under ‘How do I return this form to the NDIA’.
You can give your consent for someone to act on your behalf if you are an applicant, a participant, a child representative, a plan nominee or legally appointed decision maker for the applicant or participant. When we say applicant, we mean someone who is applying to the NDIS.
We will only let another person or organisation do things for you with the NDIS if you have given us consent or if we are required or authorised to disclose your information by law.
You can take away your consent at any time. You can let us know by mail, email, in person or over the phone that you no longer consent for a third party to do things for you with the NDIS.